IF: Sink
This little dude was just looking for his toy boat that sank.
I don't like this piece so much.. I was experimenting with a new style and it didn't work for me. But that's how it goes. It's just frustrating when you have a good vision but lack the skill to execute it. Practice practice!
Someday I'll redo this.
IF: Brigade
This still feels a unfinished, something bugs me. But I have to do some work now..
You had to choose a theme for the sketchbook and I went with "The Last Word Ever Spoken". It was tragic and dramatic and can be taken literally. I don't think a lot :)
This is the final. It didn't go as planned because I couldn't control the watercolor! :S
IF: Silent
very hot Sunday afternoon + cold soda + pail of water = not bad
And here's our turtle, sleeping on a Sunday afternoon. (it can get really boring in an aquarium, I guess)
EDIT: I've been making a bunch of illustrations to update my portfolio and I think this one fits Silent too.
EDIT: Thank you for all the comments! Really appreciate it!
Theses prints are already in the shop. Please check them out --> http://society6.com/ninyanernel
IF: Stripes
I love drawing these feel good pictures. Coffee while raining = ♥
This one was inspired when me and my husband had breakfast at this cute cafe near the hotel when we were in Bangkok.
I have drawn a lot of striped scarves but I don't own one. :S I think they look awesome in pictures. I have another idea for stripes, I hope I can pull it off in time for friday!
EDIT: Thank you for all the wonderful comments!
If you want to own this illustration, please buy it from my shop: society6
Going Traditional: Lord Snow
Another pencil drawing, this time of Jon Snow. For the background, I scraped a black chalk pastel and then scrubbed the dust using cotton. I then erased parts of it to make the trees and snow. The result is messy! You can't control the powder so much. I think I have to stick with just shading+smudging for now.
I had to edit the cloak in Photoshop because it was awful. I also did some adjustments using levels and curves and I placed a Color layer on top to change the colors to a bluish hue.

Going Traditional: Pencil
I did a realistic Daenerys with her little dragon but halfway I thought it would be more fun and more me to do a cartoonish one. I haven't rendered anything with pencils except for sloppy sketches so this is not as awesome as I wanted it to be. Even with an eraser, I found myself to be timidly applying strokes. I guess with practice, I'll get more confident. :)
(I still used photoshop, to edit the colors and the lighting.)